slight warning i've had to teach myself how to write n spell etc so somethings/wordings might be wrong
this will also be updated time to time until this message is gone
prep yourself for either a long incoherent story or the short ver
So to start, Army Men RTS was probally the first pc game I've ever played. I had gotten a copy of it
after my dad had brought a pc back from base that was going to be scrapped, he brought it home and after setting it up for me
there were a few games on the desktop and amrts was one of them.
I Launched the game and since then I've been messing around with it since then.
Over the years I messed around with the cfg files trying to see if i could change stuff with the game etc
but to no avail.
Fast forward to around September 2019 where I randomly found the game on steam, with some reverse engineering knowledge
I decided to give it a go, after a while I had used the DR2 (Dark Reign 2) source code leak to help with the reverse engineering as
amrts was built off of DR2
First what I had done was a lot of string searches to find the functions that were used to register studio and launch it
and had eventually found what I had needed, But when changing the Main function to register/call studio "worked" but the game was very broken

This is what it looks like before
At the time I was looking a lot of src & reversed srcs from different game/tools/malware etc to see how they work.
Well at the current time I was looking at some GTA: San Andreas either a multiplayer mod or just a mod on github.
This is where I had found out that you could call functions via memory addresses.
From the way the mod had called cheat functions in GTA: SA, I thought what if I tried it and well that was that.
After a little work I had this.
So basically reversed engineer the game after years of fukin about here is the code below lolz, I learnt calling funcs from a GTA: SA mod or mp src
(at this time I can't find the github or the zip where the src was in (its was some folder I had from like 6-7yrs ago)
Note: this was the first iteration of studio so somethings could be written better etc
#define ScanAddress(Address) (Address - 0x400000 + (DWORD)GetModuleHandle("AMRTS.exe"))
typedef int(*StudioProcess) (void);
StudioProcess StudioPrss = (StudioProcess)(ScanAddress(0x5D02B0));
typedef int(__cdecl *StudioInt) (void);
StudioInt StudioInit = (StudioInt)(ScanAddress(0x5D01E0));
typedef void(__cdecl *StudioDN) (void);
StudioDN StudioDone = (StudioDN)(ScanAddress(0x5D0270));
typedef void(__cdecl *StudioPostInt) (void);
StudioPostInt StudioPostInit = (StudioPostInt)(ScanAddress(0x5D0260));
DWORD Something = 0x007288E0;
void LoadStudioStuff()
RegRunCode((DWORD *)Something, "Studio", (int)StudioPrss, (int)StudioInit, (int)StudioDone, (int)StudioPostInit, 0);//Register runcode
RunCodesSet((DWORD *)Something, 0xCB860660);//Set runcode to studio (0xCB860660)
After this compile it into a DLL(32-bit) n use your favorite injector